Case MillMetrics: Quality control with sensors and cloud technology

MillMetrics helps companies produce constant-quality products by connecting machinery to network with sensors that are easily installed.

OUR SOLUTION: We developed a solution to move real-time data measured in a factory with sensors to the cloud, where it can be analyzed and controlled. The quality control personnel can monitor the production facility even from home with a mobile device, and that way detect any abnormal action and adjust machinery accordingly. Being able to react fast enables constant quality.

The collected data can also be used to benefit the customer, as the data gathered throughout the manufacturing process proves the continuous quality.

“With the solution developed by AJR Solutions we are able to connect industry, quality, data, and customers. With cloud technology, using quality control data is easy and cost-effective for customers.” – Ilkka Mustonen, Managing Director, MillMetrics Oy

MillMetrics & AJR Solutions

AJR Solutions developed an IoT solution to transfer the data collected by sensors directly to cloud.

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