From junior to senior
Joni Eronen Avanio

When did you realize you were interested in coding?
I got familiar with coding when we got our first computer on 5th or 6th grade. There weren’t the kind of games I would have wanted to play, which is why I began to code and learn to make some games myself.
What are your core skills?
I am more of a jack-of-all-trades kind of a guy, so I get to do all kinds of things. Perhaps my core skills would be in web and IoT technologies since I consider Node and React being my strengths.
What do you do at Avanio?
I started working at Avanio in the May of 2018 and I have gotten to work on very versatile tasks. At the moment, I’m coding in a couple of projects and leading a few projects on the side as Scrum Master, Project Manager and Product Owner. Before working at Avanio, I worked mostly as a warehouse worker.
Why are you working at Avanio?
I guess the top reason is the nice group and relaxed atmosphere, where there are no stiff processes. On the other hand, you get to work with a lot of new things and don’t have to do the exact same thing year after another. The tasks change frequently, which makes it possible to accumulate your CV and learn new things. In addition, remote work possibilities and the freedom of working are some of the best features of Avanio: nobody is by your side monitoring the things you do.
What is the best thing about your job?
I would say the best thing is that my work is challenging and there is no day exact the same as another. My job is also interesting since the topics are usually meaningful to me when I get to ‘play with toys’, make software and see the results of my work almost immediately.
How has remote work been?
Remote work has been quite well even though it has caused some typical problems considering communication and increasing number of Teams meetings. Shortened commute is the upside as there is only two steps from the bed to the home office. Of course, I miss the actual office too since pure remote work causes the walls to fall. I will be working remotely considering the possibilities even in the future. Merely being able to sleep an hour longer when you don’t have to fix your hair and drive to the office makes remote work quite great.
What do you do on your spare time?
On my spare time I like to play video games with my friends. Especially during the corona pandemic, it has been a great way to keep in touch with people as you can talk over Discord ja play together at the same time. I also jog, play badminton and so on with my fiancé. Not really anything that special.
Tell me an interesting life experience!
The first thing to come in mind is travelling, which has allowed me to see the world and on the other hand appreciate Finland in a whole new way.
What is the funniest thing that has happened while working with us?
It is always so fun at the office that I can’t think of anything exceptional.